Darren and Ruth come to mind from time to time because they have made such an impact on us. There style has yet been emulated by anyone else we have seen and their love for each other self evident. From Melbourne, Australia Darren, an advertising Creative Director, which could be seen in all design aspects of the wedding and Ruth, a Sales Manager at Tiffany & Co. were set on the elegant location of the Avalon Hotel in Palm Springs, California. We are grateful to be able to share Darren and Ruth's story in their own words. 

“We actually met 25 years ago through the fact we had mutual night clubbing friends, but we didn’t have that much to do with each other then – except for being in the same nightclub at the same time. Shortly after that time, Ruth moved interstate and so you would think that’s where the story ends. But one of our mutual friends (Jono – who will be in attendance) stayed in contact with Ruth throughout the 20 or so years she was away from Melbourne. Jono brought Ruth along to a party about 10 years ago and that was the first time we saw each other in a decade. We renewed acquaintance and both mentioned we should catch up again – but it never happened as although Darren was single, Ruth’s situation was more complicated at the time! And so it wasn’t until Jono’s engagement party where we ran into each other again five years later – with Ruth travelling to Melbourne from interstate to attend. The problem was that she looked so glamorous on the night, Darren didn’t recognize her at first, so after a brief chat, he went over to Jono to confirm whom it was he was just speaking to! When he found out it was that girl Ruth from his past, he was quite excited! So we caught up again on the night, and made plans to catch up once more the following night while she was still in Melbourne. That went well, but Ruth did have to head back interstate, but this time we promised to keep in touch – and we meant it! So a long distance relationship began, with Ruth travelling to Melbourne every couple of weeks, or Darren doing similar and travelling up to the Gold Coast. This went on for about a year, including a trip together to the US in that time. After 12 months the novelty of a long distance relationship and the thrill of one dirty weekend after another wore off! And so Darren popped the big question – not “will you marry me?” – but will you move state and into his place in Melbourne? This of course meant Ruth’s cat Jazz was moving too! And so Jazz has become a huge part of Darren’s life for the past 5 years as well.

Darren proposed after returning from a trip to Thailand where it was meant to happen but never did. Darren blames the weather as there we no sunny days – just gloomy and overcast conditions, not condusive to a proposal! But on our return, in the face of disappointment from Ruth, Darren sneakily tied a ring in a pouch to Jazz’s collar and let Ruth discover it. Even though Darren was sprung attaching it and Ruth accused him of trying to strangle the cat! But it went to plan when Jazz later jumped on Ruth’s lap, and she found the ring attached. Darren then asked the question – of course knowing the answer, as getting married was something Ruth was pretty keen on!”


“The best part of our wedding; For Ruth, starting to walk down the aisle and seeing the whole scene in front of her. For Darren, staring into Ruth’s eyes, feeling totally relaxed and having a giggle, while all our friends were tearing up. For both of us, Our friend Jono Francisco singing The Look Of Love was just magic. Being able to have a live stream of the wedding ceremony so our friends and family back in Australia could watch it as it happened was also a major highlight for us.”



